17 Bit Software 3: The Continuation
amigan 5
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The Amigan Apprentice & Journeyman, PO Box 411, Hatteras, N.C. 27943
(919) 986-2443 Business, 986-2434 at Home
A summary of what is on this disk follows the disclaimer below. A directory
listing in full, with notes, is found at the end of this file.
We suggest you read this file in an editor in 80-column mode.
The following caveat was written by Fred Fish to apply to his library of
Amiga public domain software. It applies so well to the AMIGAN library
as well that I am using his version rather than re-write it.
To the best of my knowledge, materials in this library are freely
redistributable. This means that they have met one or more of the
following conditions:
(1) The materials contains explicit copyright notices permitting
(2) The materials were posted to a publically accessable electronic
bulletin board and did not contain any copyright notice.
(Such materials will be removed if it is subsequently shown
that copyright notices were illegally removed.)
(3) The materials were posted to a widely disseminated electronic
network (such as usenet), thus implying that their author/poster
intended them to be freely distributed. This applies only if
they contain no notice limiting distribution.
(4) The materials contain an explicit notice placing them in the
public domain. This is not the same as condition (1).
The Amigan Apprentice and Journeyman PD software library to date:
Disk #1 - DPSLIDE, a utility for viewing IFF format pictures
MicroEMACS 3.6, a full-screen editor
Screendump, a screen-printing program
TrueCIO, a C routine to give true one-character-at-a-time I/O
to Lattice C for the Amiga
Disk #2 - Amiga HACK v1.01E - a Dungeon adventure. Graphic icons replace
characters in this version.
Disk #3 - C-KERMIT, a file transfer protocol. Includes server mode.
Disk #4 - MAKE - a software development utility
BLINK - a faster replacement for ALINK, the Amiga linker
POPCLI - blanks the screen when not in use and hotkeys a CLI on
ARC - File archiver, compatible with PC ARC
FIXOBJ - fixes brain-damaged object files downloaded with XMODEM
TSIZE - gives size of all branches of a file system
MONOPOLY - the board game
To order this disk (number 5A) or any previously-issued disks, send $6 US to
The Amigans, PO Box 411, Hatteras, N.C. 27943. Overseas, add $1 for postage.
Trashcan (dir)
fastchop (dir) Faster than FIXOBJ, does same thing
fastchop executable
fastchop.c C source
fastchop.doc documentation
secmap (dir) Displays disk sector allocation map
secmap executable
SecMap.c C source
secmap.doc documentation
clue (dir) Game
board.lo4 Image data
clue Executable
clue.doc documentation
missile (dir) Game
alarm.sound .sound files are IFF format sound effects
boom.sound used by the game
Missile executable
missile.doc documentation
README.AMIGAN some information on getting started
memwatch (dir) development utility to watch lower memory
MakeFile The makefile for use with a MAKE program
MemWatch executable
MemWatch.c C source
MemWatch.doc documentation
MemWatch.o object file as output from the C compiler
WBC.a Assembler source
WBC.o object file as output from the Assembler
clocks (dir) Three clocks
klock24 executable for 24-hour bar clock
klock24.readme information on 24-hour bar clock
README.AMIGAN general info on the three clocks
sClock Sprite clock, appears every minute
sClock.s assembler source for sprite clock
Watch regular 12-hour bar clock
Watch.txt documentation on 12-hour bar clock
misc (dir) Miscellaneous utilities
MemGrab takes over all expansion memory; allows
MemGrab.doc programs that need chip memory to run on
expanded memory machines
scrimper screen dumper - prints foremost screen
juggler (dir) Ray-traced H.A.M. mode animation
juggler executable
juggler.txt documentation
movie.data image data
wbrun (dir) Utility to run a workbench application from CLI
MakeFile file for input to a MAKE program
WBRun executable
WBRun.c C source
WBRun.doc documentation
WBRun.o Object as output from Lattice 3.10 compiler
_main.c C source
_main.o Object
megboard (dir) How to build a 1-meg RAM board for Amiga
Clock.c Clock.sch
Clockset.doc Mech_mem.doc
Mem.doc MemTest.c
Mem_sch2 Message
Parts.list README Read README first.
stat (dir) Command to give info on all processes
stat executable
stat.c C source
stat.readme documentation